vaccine-ingredients · · 1 min read

A hidden monkey-human vaccine ingredient swap

You might think you're steering clear of products derived from abortion, yet without knowing it, your child could still be injected with human protein/DNA.

A hidden monkey-human vaccine ingredient swap

We handle the heavy lifting in vaccine research and analysis, so parents don't have to. We continuously monitor new brands, updated formulations, ingredient changes, and more.

And while doing our work...

We discovered that a widely used vaccine brand for the same disease now has TWO formulations.

One formulation uses VERO cells from African green monkey kidney to grow the virus. The other formulation uses human fetal cells.

This could be a hidden problem for parents who want to avoid certain ingredients. You might think you're steering clear of products derived from abortion, yet without knowing it, your child could still be injected with human protein/DNA.

On the other hand, the VERO cells have serious unresolved potential risk issues that even the FDA is concerned about.

If this knowledge is important to you, it's made plain-as-day in your custom Vaccination Plan. We're currently working with a limited number of subscribers as we rapidly develop and refine the plan, so now is the perfect time to join us.

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