chickenpox · · 1 min read

Chickenpox vaccine failure

Chickenpox vaccine failure
CDC analysis of chickenpox vaccine failure.

The chickenpox (varicella) vaccine was licensed in the US in 1995. In 2007, a booster shot was added because of the waning immunity shown in the chart above where 69% of chickenpox cases were in the vaccinated.

As the CDC points out in the report: "Although [Chickenpox] cases have significantly declined over time, the proportion of cases among vaccinated persons has increased over time."

CDC points out that the chickenpox vaccine suppressed infections by 90 percent (from 4,000 to 300) for the time period shown above. Does 4,000 cases of chickenpox in a population of 266 million sound like a need for vaccinating all children? Especially for a commonly mild childhood disease?

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