
Updated: 5/23/2024

VaxCalc is a comprehensive platform that provides everything you need to research, plan, and take control - so that nobody else but you is making vaccine choices for your child. And to help keep your child safe.

VaxCalc is what I wish I had when I was a new parent. It's the result of 20 years of research and advocacy, and it's the first and only service that provides a structured process, compassionate support, and an online community for informed vaccination decision-making.

Because knowledge and technology are always changing, VaxCalc is a work in progress:

Click on any feature in the image below to learn more, or just scroll down to see them all.

emails curated research live outbreak data vaccine injury testimony internal secure archives community doctors chatbot members

Daily emails

In just a few minutes each day, learn what you need to know about vaccine risk and how to make the best possible decisions.

Join our free email list! It's where most people start!

Email list subscribers get exclusive benefits including:

  • Insider early notifications when we open for new members
  • Successful strategies to deal with difficult doctors
  • Access to our private, protected community of like-minded parents
  • Vaccine risk info that your doctor SHOULD know, but doesn't
  • Our Parenting 101: Recognize Vaccine Reactions PDF
  • Two free books about growing up with a DTP-injured baby (upon request to the author)
  • Reminders to take advantage of ask-me-anything Office Hours
  • When you respond to the email, it goes right into my inbox

Curated research

The most important, carefully selected, up-to-date vaccine and ingredient information available anywhere.


  • What is DTaP? A simple explanation of the vaccine
  • DTaP vaccine ingredients, so that you know what is in the vaccine
  • Simple explanations of vaccine ingredients, so that you can understand what they are and why they are in the vaccine
  • Comparison of different DTaP brands, so you can see the different ingredients in each brand
  • Links to DTaP discussions on the VaxCalc forum, so that you can see what other parents are saying

  • A list of the most common side effects, so that you know what to expect
  • A list of the most serious reactions, so that you can weigh the risks and benefits
  • Simple explanations of vaccine reaction medical terminology, so that you can easily understand and recognize them
  • Description of who is most at risk for a reaction, so that you can make an informed decision

Your own custom notes

Disease outbreak data

Real-time disease outbreak data so that you have accurate information about the scope of the risk.

Pertussis (whooping cough)

  • Total known cases of Pertussis in the US in real-time, so that you always know the scope of the problem
  • Total case trends for the past 3 weeks, so that you know if Pertussis cases are rising or falling
  • Historical outbreak data from the past 25 years, so that you have an accurate perspective, without fear or panic
  • Cases near you, so that you know if Pertussis is in your area

Vaccine injury testimony

  • Access to an award winning documentary on DTP injuries from the 1980s that is now almost completely censored and hard to find
  • DTaP vaccine injury table, so that you know what the US Government automatically assumes is caused by the vaccine
  • DTaP vaccine injury compensation table, so that you can see what the government has paid out for DTaP vaccine injuries
  • Select DTaP vaccine injury court cases, so that you can see what the court has ruled

Secure archives



Vaccine-risk chatbot

  • Embedded chatbot to help answer your vaccine questions, and gets smarter the more we all use it!

Membership benefits

  • Monthly group zoom calls with me, so that you can ask me anything and hear the concerns of other like-minded parents
  • Occasional guest speakers, so that you can learn from other experts in vaccine informed consent
  • Enjoy our private archive of group Zoom calls and transcript summaries to stay connected and informed
  • Benefit from our exclusive archive of guest speaker calls and transcript summaries, allowing you to keep learning at your convenience
  • Utilize services from our approved partners for specific critical needs, ensuring you get help from trusted sources