Core concepts · · 4 min read

VaxCalc Manifesto

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.

VaxCalc Manifesto

As James Madison wrote in 1822, "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." At VaxCalc, we use modern tools to provide that knowledge, empowering you to be your own governor in decisions about your child’s health.

Empowering Parents for Informed Vaccine Decisions

At VaxCalc, we believe in the power of informed decision-making. We stand with parents who want to take an active role in safeguarding their child’s health, without blindly following the status quo. Our mission is to empower every parent to make confident, informed vaccine decisions based on personalized research, transparency, and respect for individual choice.

1. Parent-Centered Decision Making

We believe the ultimate responsibility for a child's health lies with their parents. At VaxCalc, we provide the tools, data, and guidance to help you make the best decision for your family, rooted in research, logic, and your values.

2. Transparency Over Blind Trust

Informed decisions require full access to the facts. We strip away the confusion surrounding vaccines by offering clear, unbiased information about ingredients, risks, and benefits. No dogma—just data, presented in a way that’s easy to understand.

3. Diversity in Health Choices

Uniformity in health decisions creates vulnerabilities - as can already be seen in the chronic disease epidemic afflicting so many of our children. We celebrate diversity in vaccine decisions, knowing that what works for one family might not work for another. We believe in the right to choose the best path (some vaccines, no vaccines) for each individual, which strengthens individuals, families and public health. Because the public health is strengthened by more healthy individuals - regardless of the path they choose.

4. Skepticism with Integrity

We approach vaccine data with curiosity and caution, not because we reject science, but because we value it. True science welcomes questions. We encourage healthy skepticism, guided by compassion, integrity, and the pursuit of truth.

5. AI as a Supportive Partner

AI is our ally, not our master. We believe that AI can be trained to support our most important values, including:

We believe in using AI to support parents in the vaccine decision process with patience and without judgment. AI helps provide clarity in moments of doubt, assisting with data and insight, but always leaving the final decision in your hands.

6. Compassionate Community

No parent should feel isolated when navigating the complex world of vaccines. Our global community is here to support you—without pressure, judgment, or shame. Together, we build strength through shared knowledge and experiences, helping parents all over the world find the answers they need.

7. Safety as Priority

We prioritize safety, not by blindly following mandates, but by exploring the safest, most minimal vaccine paths for each child. Our approach follows the 80/20 principle—maximizing health benefits with the fewest vaccines, the least risk, and the most cautious approach.

8. Respect for Individuality

Every child is unique. We reject one-size-fits-all vaccine schedules, advocating for personalized plans that reflect each child's specific health needs, family values, and medical history. Our goal is to help you craft the right vaccination strategy for your child, not the system. That might be "some vaccines" or that could be "no vaccines."

Informed consent is the foundation of ethical healthcare and patient autonomy. It ensures that individuals have all the necessary information to make thoughtful, voluntary decisions about their treatment. This process empowers patients to fully understand not only the immediate implications of a medical procedure but also its long-term effects, alternative options, and potential consequences and benefits of declining care. Transparency is critical, especially when it comes to complex decisions like vaccination, where outcomes should be measured beyond just disease prevention. With informed consent, patients are equipped to make choices that align with their values, free from external pressures and conflicts of interest.

10. A Vision for a Healthier Future

We envision a future where parents are fully informed, empowered to make personalized vaccine decisions without fear or external pressure. A future where data, technology, and community come together to support each family's journey to better health.

VaxCalc is more than a platform. It’s a movement for informed vaccine choices, a resource for personalized safety, and a community for like-minded parents. We’re here to help you navigate this crucial responsibility with confidence, compassion, and clarity. Your child’s health is your decision, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

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