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Apply 80/20 to vaccination
Six easy steps to minimize risks and maximize benefits.

Custom Vaccination Plans
Take control of your child’s health with a Custom Vaccination Plan tailored to your values. Instead of following the full CDC schedule, create a safer well-visit that aligns with your informed choices.

What does ChatGPT think about your doctor's Vaccine Policy?
Your doctor's Vaccine Policy has been analyzed by ChatGPT and been found to be seriously flawed.

When Katie Couric tossed the vaccine-injured under the bus
Katie Couric invited the public to openly discuss the risks and benefits of the HPV vaccine, and then deleted all the comments about vaccine injury.

What would Frodo do?
The most powerful forces of Evil can be defeated by the least likely adversaries: you and me!

A result of lobbying, not science
This horrifying image compares the 1986 CDC childhood vaccination schedule with the 2024 schedule.

The Gift of Fear Game
The game encourages children to pay attention to their feelings and bodily responses when they sense something is wrong or dangerous.

The dreaded refusal to vaccinate form
This form uses scare tactics and worst-case scenarios to get you to vaccinate without considering any of your legitimate concerns.

Vaccine Debate Showdown: NVIC vs. Dr. Peter Hotez
We need to bring back public debates in order to discover the truth. Here we present AI-simulated NVIC vs Dr Peter Hotez, moderated by Joe Rogan.

11 Eye-Opening Vaccine Quotes Every Parent Should Read
ChatGPT's curated list of vaccine-risk quotes, highlighting concerns that should be objectively and compassionately investigated.

ChatGPT's Top 10 Vaccine Risk Books
These books were chosen based on their impact, influence, and the author's attempt or commitment to accuracy.