vaccine-risk · · 2 min read

Somersault off 12 foot building or give 8 vaccines at once?

Parkour safety is vastly superior to vaccine safety. We apply Parkour's Pre-Bail and Bail concepts to vaccination to help parents reduce vaccine-risk as much as possible.

Somersault off 12 foot building or give 8 vaccines at once?

By age 12, Garrett had trained four years to do stunts like this. I saw a lot of the training. Constant repetition of basic moves, building up to more challenging techniques, working on mindset, being encouraged to go a little farther outside of your comfort zone every time.

In the video below, Garrett puts that training into action by jumping 8 feet across from one building to another and then somersaults off of a 12-foot high building.

That was pretty wild. But he trained his body and mind, and he was ready.

There is a lot of risk, and a lot of preparation to reduce the risk.

Parkour Safety is Vastly Superior to Vaccine Safety

Who is preparing all those 2 month old babies for 8 vaccines at once?

Before Garrett did that dangerous stunt above, he built up to it and we knew he was ready. Something could have gone horribly wrong, but he had lots of practice in lower-risk situations like jumping into foam pits and from lower heights.

Do doctors get any training to recognize vaccine reactions? What about parents? Are parents encouraged to say, "no, we aren't ready for that. We might consider one or two but not 8 at once"?

Pressuring parents into allowing their babies to take so many vaccines at once is no different than pressuring a scared young boy to jump off that 12 foot building with no training at all.

Improving Vaccine Safety with the Parkour Bail

Parkour involves constant risk assessment.

The best part of Parkour training involves constant risk assessment: the pre-bail and the bail (or bailing out).

Pre-Bail refers to making a conscious decision to avoid a move before even attempting it, based on the assessment of risk. It emphasizes the importance of judgment and recognizing limits, prioritizing safety over pushing beyond one’s current skill level.

The Bail is a move where the practitioner safely aborts a jump or trick to avoid injury. It involves quickly adapting to a situation when a move doesn't go as planned.

In our custom Vaccination Plan, we apply Parkour's Pre-Bail and Bail concepts to vaccination to help parents reduce vaccine-risk as much as possible.

Discover more about your custom Vaccination Plan here.

p.s. – it's super-useful even if you don't want to vaccinate at all. If you deal with pushy pediatricians or pro-vax family members, it can help you stand your ground and pre-bail with power and authority.

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