

The glowing red in the image is intended to symbolize inflammation or the immune system's response to a foreign element, such as aluminum. Inflammation is a key reaction the body uses to address what it perceives as a threat, whether that's an infection, injury, or foreign particles like aluminum adjuvants. The contrast of red against the softer tissue tones highlights the tension between the natural body and the introduced chemical.


Aluminum in vaccines quiz
Aluminum ·

Aluminum in vaccines quiz

What is your aluminum in vaccines IQ? It's in 83.7% of the vaccines given to infants. It's in a vaccine given to pregnant women. It's in vaccines given to teens and pre-teens.

34 Liters
Aluminum ·

34 Liters

A baby would have to receive 34 liters of IV solution in a day order to get the same amount of aluminum permitted in a single vaccine.