About VaxCalc

About VaxCalc
3 adult-doses of Benadryl and 24 hours after 1/4 dime-sized portion of peanut butter.

I thought it was safe!

When my daughter was just 12 months, she experienced a potentially fatal reaction to a tiny amount of peanut butter. Inspecting everything that was going into her body, I didn't like what I was finding. So I began carefully reading food ingredients labels to keep her food simple, safe, healthy and pure.

We learned the hard way that not every food is safe for every child.

Did childhood vaccines cause her potentially fatal peanut allergy?

Where else might I be dangerously wrong?

I used to just believe that vaccines were safe and effective without evidence, without researching the ingredients or checking vaccine injury reports. I assumed that high-quality, reliable safety studies were done on every childhood vaccine - and that the CDC's recommended vaccine schedule was science-based.

Looking through the FDA-approved package inserts for vaccine ingredients, I found things like Polysorbate-80, Bovine Pituitary Extract, Casein (milk proteins),  human protein/DNA, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, Glutaraldehyde, and many more.

What are the risks of injecting a mix of chemical and biological ingredients into my daughter who already has a dangerously over-reactive immune system? Or into your children?

Doctors must PROVE safety, not just assert and then deny vaccine injury.

Doctors won't provide individualized healthcare

Pediatricians are pressured by state health departments to vaccinate all children with all CDC recommended vaccines regardless of our genetic differences, family health history, or risk/benefit profile.

This makes perfect sense if you are a big government agency looking at compliance numbers, but it makes no sense at all as a parent who wants to apply the latest science and the precautionary principle to maximize your child's health.

VaxCalc gives you everything you need to advocate for the health and safety of your children. Your doctor might not like it, but you will be prepared to deal with their unprofessional, unethical, vaccine-pushing attitude:

Your children are at risk

If you don't have a customized vaccination plan based upon your own research and risk/benefit analysis that makes sense to you - then your children are by default a part of your doctor's plan to support her employer's vaccination compliance numbers.

It doesn't have to be this way - you can take control of your children's health and welfare.

I subscribed to VaxCalc because my 8 month old daughter has a well baby visit this week and the doctor is going to push vaccines (we're behind schedule because she had two reactions to the first two rounds). I wanted to know exactly what is in the vaccines to have an educated dialogue with my physician.

And guess what?

He wasn't pushy at all when it came to the vaccines - he completely understood my position and I believe his understanding stemmed from me being able to have an open and educated dialogue about the exact contents in the vaccines.

-- Carrie, NC

Who am I?

I'm a dad to three beautiful children (now in their teens). I'm a software developer, health-freedom activist, and vaccine safety researcher who did my own research to protect my children from excessive vaccination and the lazy one-size-fits-all dangerous dogmatic thinking that afflicts too many pediatricians today. I've worked non-stop to build everything I've learned into VaxCalc®.

Me and the original inspiration for VaxCalc

If, like me, YOU are passionate about protecting your children from excessive vaccination and the lazy, one-size-fits-all, dangerously dogmatic thinking that afflicts too many pediatricians today, join my opinionated and unconventional email list.

Discover more about Chris.